The valuation customs purposes of an important stage in identify the taxes or customs duties for import and export. The D G of Customs depend on multiple methods according World Trade Organization Agreement on Customs Valuation. Through this advance service, value can be relied upon to relate the goods of the tariff H S code, country of origin, and CIF value before import, its helping to clarify and prepare the necessary documents to prove the validity of CIF items value.

  •  The validity of submitting the request for the re-Import Value is valid from the date of its issuance until new value appear.
  •  The validity of the Pre-Import Value Disclosure Service expires, either cancellation by the D G of Customs or when new restrictions value appears.
  •  The request review begins after it is submitted correctly with complete documents.
  • The request is considered incomplete if the procedures and documents required by the D G of Customs are not met, including the submission of additional documents required to complete the application file.
  •  The service request is submitted through the value system in the Bayan system through the electronic advance submission, and the D G of Customs, represented by the Value Department, studies the application and updates the system within a specific time frame, taking into account that the importer submits the application to customs before the import or export process. The D G of Customs may request the importer to submit a sample of the goods or a product guide (catalog), pictures or any other materials.
  •  The request must be submitted according to the conditions listed in the system when providing the service.