Non-Objection to Transfer Petroleum Products

Ministry of Energy and Minerals / General Directorate of Petroleum Industries

  • Importers & Exporters.

  • A copy of a valid contract with the related entity (if the transfer is made by another party)
  • A copy of the Commercial Registration
  • A copy of the MSDS
  • For companies that have contracts with marketing companies, kindly attach the following:
  1.  The competent marketing company's approval on the quantities to be transferred, and attaching
  2. The packaging List
  3. A copy of a valid transport contract with the competent marketing company
  • 5- For LPG cylinder companies that have valid contracts with the producing companies, kindly attach the following:
  1. The producer company's approval on the quantities to be transferred

A copy of a valid contract with the related entity (if the transfer is made by another party).

A copy of the Commercial Registration.

A copy of the MSDS.

For companies that have contracts with marketing companies, kindly attach the following:

a. The competent marketing company's approval on the quantities to be transferred, and attaching:

1. The packaging List.

2. A copy of a valid transport contract with the competent marketing company.

For LPG cylinder companies that have valid contracts with the producing companies, kindly attach the following:

1. The producer company's approval on the quantities to be transferred.

  • Approval of the permits shall be within two hours of the application, during the official working hours and for seven days a week (All days).
  • Release of Shipment round the clock, non-stop 24 hours; i.e. the release of the shipment submitted shall be within two hours of submitting the goods for the inspection of the relevant authority.