Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion / Standards and Metrology
- A copy of the Commercial Registration.
- Copy of the shipment release document.
- copy of the customs declaration.
- copy of the product health certificate issued by a government agency.
- Inspection and testing report in accordance with the standard specifications issued by a government agency or one of the laboratories accredited by the Directorate as a third party, not later than four months from the date of issue (in case the documents from 2-4 are not available).
- Form of a full data document to be completed and printed (attached).
- Test report from certified laboratories for each product.
- Health certificate.
- Approval of the permits shall be within two hours of the application, during the official working hours and for seven days a week (All days).
- Release of Shipment round the clock, non-stop 24 hours; i.e. the release of the shipment submitted shall be within two hours of submitting the goods for the inspection of the relevant authority.