The company applies a refunding request of a due amount as per the applicable rules.
- Corporates.
- Establishments.
- Individuals
- Period between the date of delivery notice and re-exporting shall be one year, and period between the date of re-exporting and submission of request shall be six months.
- Special relationships and numbers.
- Goods shall not be second-hand.
- Customs Declaration (imports) .
- Re-Exporting Declaration .
- Delivery Invoices and other lists .
- Re-Exporting Invoices, along with Customs Officer Notes and conforming numbers and customs seal .
- Entry of goods to a free zone or Exit from GCC countries.
- Ensure that the period of customs declaration does not exceed one year since Application date and Six Months since Re-Application date.
- Authorized Customs Offices shall insert the transaction within Bayan system.
- Attach all required documents for the purposes of refunding the due amount.
- Ensure and follow-up the transaction made by the Directorate General of Customs.
- Ensure the details submitted in the system are in conformity with the documents submitted to the Directorate General of Customs.