A Bank Guarantee to submitted to Directorate General of Customs, and may be extended at least within two weeks prior to expiration. In case the concerned party desires to increase the guarantee amount, he shall provide evidence that the bank increased the amount of the same guarantee and submit the original of guarantee to Directorate General of Customs (Exemption Department).

  • Companies
  • Establishments 

  • Original Guarantee shall be available.
  • Application Letter.

  • Application Letter of extension or increase guarantee amount.
  • Submit the original of extension or amount increase to the Directorate General of Customs (Exemption Department).
  • Signature Specimen.

  • Submit the request via Bayan System, with attaching all required documents.
  • Submit the original of extension or amount increase to the Exemption Department.
  • Exemption Department shall verify validity of the details. Upon reviewing the request, the
  • Exemption Department may issue approval.